F Table control there must be a loop statement in both PBO and PAI. It is because loop statement causes screen fields to be copied back and forth between ABAP program and the Screen Field. At the time of PBO, the transport of the table control fields from the ABAP program to the screen takes place after every loop run in the flow logic. The remaining screen fields are filled, as usual, at the end of PBO processing. At PAI time, first all the screen fields that do not belong to any table control and not listed in any FIELD statement are transported to identically-named fields of the ABAP program. The contents of the table control fields are transported, row by row at the beginning of the corresponding loop run, into the identically-names fields of the ABAP program. The fields that are listed in the FIELD statements are transported, as usual, directly from the corresponding FIELD statement. Within the loops, two system fields are...